MullenLowe It's a Wrap
Kia SUVs In the Wild
Kia SUVs In the Wild
the Wild
Ideas don't grow on trees but if you are lucky, they just might show up under them
Every single ad agency has a drawer full of ideas that never saw the light of day for one reason or another. But it's a shame to have those ideas just sit there in the void and go to waste. So for the holidays, we took some of MullenLowe's greatest unrealized ideas for former clients, and gifted those ideas to the clients new agencies.
From Corona to Jet Blue, Burger King, and more, we took MullenLowe's highest-profile ex-clients and scoured the depths of decks for their best unsold ideas. The idea slides were designed into wrapping paper, which was then sent to each of the agencies that currently has those clients.
AdAge: 11 Creative Campaigns to know about today
Associate Creative Director
©2023 Tucker Stosic